The Right-to-Exist Program with Clem

The Right-to-Exist Program with Clem

In the “Right to Exist” program, we press “pause”, learn to feel safe feeling what we feel, knowing what we know, thinking what we think.

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Datum: 28.10, 4.11, 18.112. 12 and 16.12  (19:00 – 22 hodin)

Místo konání: Centrum Světla, Vyšehradská 43, Praha 2

In the “Right to Exist” program, we press “pause”, learn to feel safe feeling what we feel, knowing what we know, thinking what we think. It means paying attention to how we are in the moment, making it important enough to share it with others, however unacceptable we or others think it is. We live out loud. It also means, or perhaps means in the first place, to learn to befriend and become comfortable with the uncomfortable parts of our inner world, may it be fear, anger, shame, hurt, or even joy. And perhaps even learn to like them for what they are: survival helpers.

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Detaily události

Den 1: 28. Říjen 2024

Den 2: 4. Listopad 2024

Den 3: 18. Listopad 2024

Den 4: 2. Prosinec 2024

Den 5: 16. Prosinec 2024

Čas začátku: 19:00 CET
Čas konce: 22:00 CET

Místo konání: Centrum světla - Vyšehradská 1376/43, Praha 2, Česká republika

GPS souřadnice: 14.4187159, 50.0710076


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